
Select the capacity, model available with the desired option and send us the enquiry so that we can provide you with our best offer. To send an enquiry, please fill in the enquiry form in the contact us page of our website. Our sales representative will get in touch with you soon.

  • One should select the capacity of the equipment considering the volume of the samples to be tested and the space available with you to install the equipment
  • In case you are the first time user or it’s a new project with less volume of samples, it is recommended to go for the basic capacity of 200 ltrs capacity to start with
  • If you expect an increase in the volume of samples to be tested, then we strongly recommend 400 ltrs which is generally used in the industry. Also, the price difference between 200 ltrs and 400 ltrs is just 20% with double the capacity
  • In case you have large volume of sample to be tested, you can select 800 or 1000 ltrs chamber or walk-in chamber with respect to the requirement.
  • We offer two Models:
      1. Standard (STD) model – Inside SS 304 and outside powder coated
      2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) model Inside 304 and outside SS 304
  • If the installation environment is highly corrosive, then it is recommended to select the GMP model
    The GMP model does not require any painting or maintenance since the entire body is made up of stainless steel, which guarantees a life of more than 15 years
  • You can select any of the two models since apart from the material of construction all the other features and specification are same

Note: All the equipments and models are manufactured as per the GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTISE, but to give a name to our Stainless Steel inside / outside model we have named it as GMP model.

  • Stand by refrigeration system ( For 200 ltrs and above)
  • Stand by humidity system except for 90 ltrs
  • PC interface communication card with RS 485 for above control system (hardware for each chamber)
  • CFR 21 Part 11 compliant window based communication software for data management.
  • Complete with RS 485 multi dropping to monitor multiple chambers on one software
  • Scanner 4-point temperature and 4-point humidity OR Scanner 8- point temperature and 8 –point humidity scanner complete with sensors and printer interface and data storage facility
  • Additional SS perforated trays
  • Door access security system
  • Mobile alerts
  • PLC based control system with auto change over to stand-by systems.

A) Stand-by Refrigeration System:

  • If you are selecting 200 or above models, then stand-by refrigeration system is one of the essential optional
  • Thermolab chambers are having a regular refrigeration system which consists of compressor, evaporator, condenser and condenser motor to achieve a temp below ambient up to 20◦ C
  • The stand-by refrigeration system is another identical set of the above components which is ready for use in case the above regular refrigeration system fails. It is essential as the chamber cannot be kept under break down condition as it will disturb the stability studies
  • The stand-by refrigeration system can be immediately switched “ON” manually or automatically by PLC and in the mean time the regular system can be serviced or repaired. This feature is available in all models except 90 ltrs
  • Stand-by refrigeration not only avoid spoiling of the samples but also saves the time in re-testing as the time is very valuable for launching the product

B) Stand-by Humidity System:

  • Thermolab chambers are having a regular humidity system, which consists of Water heater, float valve and safety low water float switch, which generates the humidity
  • The stand-by humidity system is an additional heater provided in the tank. If the regular heater burns out or fails, the regular system will change to stand-by system. In the meantime, the regular system should be serviced. The above feature is available in all models

C) Printer:

  • Thermolab chamber has the printer interfacing facility. To take a print of the data from the printer interfacing unit, one requires 80 col Dot Matrix Epson LX 300
    If the customer selects the software, then printout can be taken from printer connected to the PC

D) Software:

  • Software- Update latest version of software for smooth operation of Thermolab Chambers with PLC based control System.

It’s recommended to have separate chambers for separate test since the chamber is required to run continuously for long duration for a particular condition

  • Thermolab manufactures its chamber with respect to ICH requirement. These chambers can be used for any of the specified ICH test given below
  • Temperature & Humidity Conditions as per ICH Guidelines:25°C & 60%
    30°C & 65%
    30°C & 75%
    40°C & 75%”
  • Low RH chambers are also available on request for below conditions:
    25°C & 40% RH
    40°C & 25% RH
    30°C & 35% RH”